Sunday, February 28, 2010

When the student is ready the teacher arrives.

It all started when I was browsing iTunes for a new Zen podcast to listen to when I came across the aptly named "Zen Is Stupid". It took a few episodes to wonder exactly why I was listening to this seemingly stupid podcast and then I stopped thinking about it and then it all made perfect sense.

During one episode, Patrick in passing mentions the Peak Condition Project. I was curious so I went to the website and in an instant knew that the Peak Condition Project was the project I had been seeking. 2009 saw me in the gym 5 days a week and trying my hardest to be mindful of my consumption. But no matter how hard I worked I was seemingly stuck on a fitness plateau staring up at the glorious mountains above unable to find a path up. That I was aware of. Of that I was sure. I was certain I needed something different but I had no idea what.

I recall June of 2000 when I was travelling through Ireland. The bus pulled into Westport and there on the horizon was a breathtaking sight. Before me and all of Clew Bay rose a majestic mountain and I had one thought as I stared through the window, "I'm going to climb that mountain". I had no idea what mountain it was or if it was even possible so I leaned over to the bus driver and asked. "That's Croagh Patrick," he said, "It is a sacred mountain and thousands of people make the pilgrimage to climb it each year". The next morning I called a cab. There at the trail head is a statue of St. Patrick watching over the pilgrims as they begin their ascension. A few hours later I was standing on top. It felt glorious. It felt right.

And just as I had taken that first step toward that summit, here I am, Day 1 eve, standing at the foot of Mount PCP with Patrick watching over and providing guidance as I begin my ascension off the plateau. Oh, how right it feels.


  1. Just go step by step, and it ain't all beautiful scenery.

  2. I also learned about the PCP after stumbling across Zen is Stupid on iTunes: how's that for serendipity! Good luck on the PCP: it's not what you expect (it's probably better).

  3. I like the climb a mountian vision. I have had a similar experience - and treasure it

  4. I also took the roundabout route to PCP (via Yoga Garden videos on YouTube, to the Yoga Garden website, to Patrick's website, to Zen is Stupid, back to Patrick, then to PCP). Glad to see you on this journey!
