Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 53 - PCP faux pas

About an hour before my workout today I reviewed what I'd be doing in the gym. Looking over the sheet I realized that I did "Day 53" on "Day 52". How about that? I printed out the wrong sheet and I did not notice the day number. So, today I did "Day 52" on "Day 53". Oh well. I'm hoping the cosmic order of the PCP doesn't get thrown off whack like another volcano in Iceland erupting on part of my slip up. Synchronicity, you know? I'm doing chest dips on the wrong day and many miles away something crawls from the slime at the bottom of dark Scottish lake.
Besides that slip up. Another great workout in the gym. During my jump roping today I started doing the alternating skip out of nowhere. I was having a lot of fun going from one leg to the other. Then I'd go to one leg, then the other leg, then flat footed, then fast, then slow. I now love that we are timing the jumps. It's freed up my concentration and I can work on different jumping techniques. It certainly helps at this point in the PCP to which it up a bit.
I also picked out my second indulgence today. A beautiful beer from Northern California. Oh, Friday night. Could you come any quicker? I went with a couple friends at lunch today to pick it out and there I was standing in front of a wall of about a hundred different varieties of beer. No joke. The inside of my mouth started to tingle and my throat felt bone dry. I can't wait to taste you, my sweet.
Off to sit and then finish off the night with the night fruit snack. Hope you're all well out there in PCP land.


  1. Can't imagine the order will kill us too much -- on Monday Patrick intentionally had me do a different day!

  2. You did Day 53 on Day 52!? YOU'RE PCP IS RUINED!!! You might as well go back to Day 1 and start over...

  3. Yeah, timing jumps was kind of a pain at first, but it's nice to listen to something else than your inner voice count to 100 a bunch of times.

  4. I like to time counting and find it much easier to just restart when I make a mistake

    I bet you will be sore in new ways fun

    I am glad you are having such a great time with the indulgence.

    I had to write myself a note that said "indulgence over.

    Go Team Go!
