Monday, May 31, 2010

Keep climbing: PCP Wrap up

A celebratory holiday weekend is coming to a close. The BBQ yesterday was joyous and I indulged in pork ribs, chorizo sausage, and a few beers. Stayed up late with my friends and family and reveled in the summer weather. Today I'm feeling pretty fine and ready to step well into the post-PCP world.

Deciding to participate in the PCP is no doubt one of the best decisions I've ever made. It has been an incredible journey and that fact that the destination has been nothing sort of awe inspiring has made the past 90 days a sincerely life changing experience.

Let's examine the evidence. I submit to you the following.

Yes, the pictures are sobering and insane. My wife and I were shocked when we compared the pictures. The reaction from most was that yes, I needed to lose a few pounds, but never realized I needed to drop 37. That reaction is testament of the how much I actually needed to lose! I was perpetually overweight, out of shape, and heavy to 100% of my friends and family. They had accepted that I was just big. I had accepted the same fate. We all make these justifications in all areas of our life. BUT, there is a line.

A line where half ass isn't good enough anymore. A line where we say to ourselves, "NO". Not anymore. Where the pain of changing the less than the pain of staying the same. And there is the "P" word. The big "P". PAIN. It is so necessary and so vital to our existence. The pain of progress is a beautiful feeling and the PCP is so wonderfully filled with it.

I wanted to change my life. I was trapped in a maze. Maintaining a balanced diet, going to the gym regularly, and being mindful of my consumption but never reaching a point of fitness. Always held down by my own inability to remain disciplined. Thankfully, I found Patrick and Chen. They provided the map and I've emerged a new man in a beautiful light. Thank you Patrick and Chen. You've helped me climb a mountain I'd been stuck on for decades and I'm eternally grateful.

To my wonderful PCP classmates: Thank you for inspiring me throughout this journey. You're all wonderful people and I hope to keep in touch with you in our new post-PCP world.

Thank you to all my friends, family, and co-workers out there who supported and encouraged me during these past 90 days.

A special thank you to my Wife and son who were there every single PCP day with me and rode out the ups and downs. I could never have done this without you!!!

One of the most popular questions I was asked on the PCP was, "What happens after 90 days"? For that question I can only invoke the old Buddhist saying, "What you're on top of the mountain. Keep climbing". So, here I am. On top but still climbing and when I look up the sky is vast and limitless.

If you're reading this trying to decide whether or not you should do the PCP, let me save you the trouble, the answer is, YES!!! You will never regret this. It's time to leave the past behind and go where you have never been before. Trust me, the view is amazing from up here.


Brian: Complete.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 90 - On Top!

What an amazing Day 90!!! First, I woke up and choose my workout. I selected Day 5 with and threw in 4 sets of triceps dips. For a week one workout, while it was short, I still worked up a good sweat. I was then off to Philadelphia to cheer on Team USA as they played Turkey in a friendly before they were off to the World Cup in South Africa. What an amazing game! USA won 2-1. The atmosphere was incredible and it was great to be surrounded by close friends all having a wonderful time.
I was very mindful of my consumption. I brought my own lunch (I couldn't help not weighing it out. I think that is going to be a tough transition for me), I only drank one low alcohol beer, (which was very satisfying), and had a handful of salted pretzels!!! That was literally my first extra salt intake in 90 days. Those were some good pretzels!!!

Final Day 90 weigh in: 189 pounds. 37 pounds dropped!!! Day 90 pics up. Words can't describe how amazing it feels to be on top of Mount PCP. What an incredible journey it's been.

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the States. Tomorrow I celebrate with friends and family at a BBQ that promises to be crazy-stupid-fun. I will be mindful and chow down on some ribs! It's going to be great.

I'll have a final wrap up post on Monday that will include some insane comparison pics from Day 1.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 89 - Peaking

About 4 years ago my wife and I climbed Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. I've said ever since that it was the single greatest physical challenge of my life. Well, that was until this afternoon. I would safely tell you that climbing Mt. Washington is on the level of the PCP Day 89 workout. I expended the same amount of physical effort in today's KILLER workout as I did that day I climbed 6,288 feet and back down again. Only today I moved a total of about 50 feet the entire hour. The workout was simply amazing. By the middle of the second double super set, I thought I might pass out. I was already dripping with sweat after the first super set and that was just the beginning! I was soaked by the end! Awe inspiring. I've never worked out as hard as I did today. Finishing strong is an understatement. I finished ZUES.
The final plank and final 8MA was, I don't know, bittersweet maybe? I couldn't believe that this was it. PCP is pretty much over. Besides tomorrow's light workout. Today was the final push to the top. The final backbreaking day where you give your all, moan like a banshee, and whimper like a child. PAIN. It's real and it tastes sweet, my friends. ALIVE!!! I didn't want it to end. I started doing jumps of the rope again and after a minute I stopped myself. I simply couldn't go on. Then I thought, OK, 15 more tricep dips. I launched into those but failure was my bodies response. I had given everything. Written in sweat and spit on the gym floor. There it is. Signed, sealed, delivered.
One thing I noticed about super set days is that the workout actually goes faster than a normal PCP day. That is crazy! We're doing double the amount of reps and exercises and it's getting done in the same amount of time if not 5-10 minutes quicker. That is intense!

I feel great. MIND. BODY. SPIRIT. PEAKING!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 88 - Steps away

The closing days of the PCP have been joyful and relaxed. I feel like I'm on a calm lake staring up at a bright blue sky. Just floating. The picture above was today's lunch. I stopped taking pictures of my food sometime ago so I figured I'd show what I've been basically eating for the past 60 days or so. This is essentially it. Carrots, arugula, avocado, chicken/shrimp, and toast, not pictured. Oh, I can't forget the red pepper flakes. This is also a picture of how I'll be eating for the rest of my life and I have to admit, I'm very happy about this. Today I did think about burritos and where I would eat Mexican post-PCP. Not in rush to go get it but I'm thinking about it. I've also been thinking about my post-PCP workout routine. What regimen will I sculpt for myself. How long should I jump rope every day? It's going to be fun taking ownership of my workout. I'm confident I have the tools and knowledge to progress further.
Today's workout was as killer. I finishing strong. Bursting through the finish line. A question on my mind today as I left the gym was, where do super-sets fit in my post-PCP world? One day a week, one solid week a month, every other month? Oh, the places I'll go!

And when did planks get easier then V-sit ups???

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 87 - Tough Day / Great food

The workout today for me was tough. Tough in the fact that it was Davincis/Fwd Shoulder Raise super set day. Those two really bring me to failure and actually make me whimper. The rest of the day was rather relaxing as I was off from work and was able to work around the condo doing chores, reading, and listening to various albums that struck my fancy.
That brings me to the food. The picture above is the sandwich I dubbed "Patrick's Revenge". It's a satisfying lunch and all within PCP measurements. The last week of the PCP has left me reflective of the past 90 days and what it has brought into my life. One of those things is falling back in love with...ummm, food. Which is bizarre to say because I've never been out of love with it. Not for a second. I guess I'm talking about the purity of food. The wholeness of food. Raw vegetables, no dressing, favor explosions, fruit, avocado, strawberries, a simple glass of milk, carrots, all of these things took on new lives for me. My taste buds were set free no longer under the oppressive reign of salt. And that gives a sandwich like the one above a new life. No mayo, no mustard, just the ingredients to speak for themselves and they don't just speak. They sing, man! They shout! If you love food, the PCP is for you because you forgot what it tastes like. Life is too short to not know what it tastes like.

Epic day tomorrow in the gym. Turning it to 11.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 86 - Super Sets ROCK!!!

The super set is a bit intimidating from a far. Up close, it's a ferocious roaring tiger. And that tiger is ME!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Yeah, baby. I'm trying to figure out if my body was filled with extra adrenaline today facing the super set or if the alternating opposite muscle groups actually helps you during the set or both. I don't know. Maybe Patrick will lay down the science for us. The workout felt new today, I guess that's because it was, but after working out for 87 days straight you think it would get boring. NOPE. Sorry, that's another line, sir. This is the BADASS line. I was about to launch into my last set of V-sit ups/Planks when a gym buddy said to me, "On my next set I'm going to out groan you"!, my reply, "NO YOU WON'T".

192 pounds. New pics up. GO TEAM GO!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 85 - Rounding third

Here we are, Day 86. Rounding third and headed home. Still plenty of work to do as demonstrated today in the gym. One rep at a time, one set at a time, one breath at a time. If you start looking down that sheet you might get distracted. You might psyche yourself out. Mind focused, muscles flexed, sweat rolling down your face. That's what it takes.
I was reminded today of a important lesson of the PCP. That while yes, it's very important what happens in the gym. It's much more vital what happens outside of it. That is where PEAK condition is reached. OUTSIDE. Of course the INSIDE part of the equation is the mind. What's happening inside your mind? What is being thought, said, uttered, spoken, ingested? Yes, still plenty of work to do.

The iPod is essential this week. TOOL's Lateralus lead me today and I'll think I'll keep that going the rest of the way up this mountain. Yes, all this pain is an illusion and if we ride the spiral until the end we may just go were no ones been. BRING THE PAIN.