Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 57 - Monday thoughts

Seeing Ren's six-pack today was certainly a milestone for our PCP class. My comment was that it was "inspiring and sobering". Inspiring that I too can achieve those results and sobering with the realization of my journey still to achieve those results. But instead of feeling sorry, I turned up the gas today in the gym and pushed myself to give 110%. I also strapped the iPod back on after reading Patrick's e-mail. Pre-PCP I was a regular iPod listener in the gym but when I started the PCP I stopped listening to music during the workout in order to concentrate on the routine. Sometimes I feel the iPod can be a distraction while working out but today it wasn't and I'm going to go with it for a bit. I'll put some TOOL back on the pod and get pumping, man! In the song Parabola, Maynard sings, "Embrace this moment. Remember; we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion". Certainly a mantra for working through the burn. "What one man can do another can do!" also works. The results we are all achieving is inspiring, so lets keep at it gang, lets push the heights. Raise the roof and reach for amazement in our own ability.

PCP.S - If you haven't already, I highly recommend this weeks Zencast. Gil drops some serious science. The ideas are beautiful and inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those podcasts are great! Definitely adding that to my weekly list!
