Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 56 - Indulgence: Part 2

I indulged on Friday night. After a long week of work and busting my hump in the gym. I took comfort in the fact that I'd be having a beer on Friday night. I carefully weighed my choices and selected a beer from North Coast Brewery in the foggy town of Fort Bragg, CA. The beer in question was Old Rasputin 12th anniversary Russian imperial stout. I waited until wife and child were in bed so I could sit peacefully and cherish every sip in the late night stillness. The stout is aged in bourbon barrels causing the first few sips to be rather bold. But after holding the glass for a few minutes and allowing the brew to breath, the beer is quite complex and rewarding with strong chocolate and coffee notes.
The stout is also quite strong being 11% alcohol, after finishing the bottle, I had a slight buzz, and since the time had now reached somewhere past 11:30, I was quite sleepy and fell asleep on the couch! Old Rasputin knocked me out but while I was awake, I enjoyed every sip.
That night I had a bizarre dream that some would probably call a nightmare. I awoke wondering if the alcohol had anything to do with that. I also had a slight headache but that was nothing my morning cup of joe and an egg sandwich couldn't cure. My workout was also slightly tougher on Saturday. I wondered if that had to do with the beer or the fact that I had just spent the last 4 hours wondering around the Rutgers Folk Festival pushing a carriage under the sun. I'm chalking it up to a little bit of both.
At the moment I'm awaiting the new diets for the week and workout plans. Let's make it another back breaking week in the gym, kids.


  1. Well indulged! How much more satisfying was that than slugging down a few every night?

  2. It was probably the most mindful beer I've ever had.
