Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 89 - Peaking

About 4 years ago my wife and I climbed Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. I've said ever since that it was the single greatest physical challenge of my life. Well, that was until this afternoon. I would safely tell you that climbing Mt. Washington is on the level of the PCP Day 89 workout. I expended the same amount of physical effort in today's KILLER workout as I did that day I climbed 6,288 feet and back down again. Only today I moved a total of about 50 feet the entire hour. The workout was simply amazing. By the middle of the second double super set, I thought I might pass out. I was already dripping with sweat after the first super set and that was just the beginning! I was soaked by the end! Awe inspiring. I've never worked out as hard as I did today. Finishing strong is an understatement. I finished ZUES.
The final plank and final 8MA was, I don't know, bittersweet maybe? I couldn't believe that this was it. PCP is pretty much over. Besides tomorrow's light workout. Today was the final push to the top. The final backbreaking day where you give your all, moan like a banshee, and whimper like a child. PAIN. It's real and it tastes sweet, my friends. ALIVE!!! I didn't want it to end. I started doing jumps of the rope again and after a minute I stopped myself. I simply couldn't go on. Then I thought, OK, 15 more tricep dips. I launched into those but failure was my bodies response. I had given everything. Written in sweat and spit on the gym floor. There it is. Signed, sealed, delivered.
One thing I noticed about super set days is that the workout actually goes faster than a normal PCP day. That is crazy! We're doing double the amount of reps and exercises and it's getting done in the same amount of time if not 5-10 minutes quicker. That is intense!

I feel great. MIND. BODY. SPIRIT. PEAKING!!!


  1. Way to go ZUES. You are the man. I found my intesity waned during the planks and v sits. I think there was just not much left in the tank AT ALL.

    Go Team Go!
