Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 87 - Tough Day / Great food

The workout today for me was tough. Tough in the fact that it was Davincis/Fwd Shoulder Raise super set day. Those two really bring me to failure and actually make me whimper. The rest of the day was rather relaxing as I was off from work and was able to work around the condo doing chores, reading, and listening to various albums that struck my fancy.
That brings me to the food. The picture above is the sandwich I dubbed "Patrick's Revenge". It's a satisfying lunch and all within PCP measurements. The last week of the PCP has left me reflective of the past 90 days and what it has brought into my life. One of those things is falling back in love with...ummm, food. Which is bizarre to say because I've never been out of love with it. Not for a second. I guess I'm talking about the purity of food. The wholeness of food. Raw vegetables, no dressing, favor explosions, fruit, avocado, strawberries, a simple glass of milk, carrots, all of these things took on new lives for me. My taste buds were set free no longer under the oppressive reign of salt. And that gives a sandwich like the one above a new life. No mayo, no mustard, just the ingredients to speak for themselves and they don't just speak. They sing, man! They shout! If you love food, the PCP is for you because you forgot what it tastes like. Life is too short to not know what it tastes like.

Epic day tomorrow in the gym. Turning it to 11.


  1. I wish more people believed us when we told them this.

  2. Dude, the sandwich looks awesome, but then again check YOU out! Going back through the flickr photostream -- do the slide show in reverse order and watch the fatman skinny down and buff up!
    Amazing progress, man.
    Only two more days to go!
