Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 65 - Marks of the PCP

The PCP brings many changes. One of those changes is the appearance of marks on your body. How do these marks appear? Usually by whipping yourself with a jump rope while speed jumping. Here are some of my greatest hits.

Hot off the press! This mark above is a fresh whip from tonight.

These are scabs from whipping myself really hard a few weeks ago. So hard, I bled.

The classic leg whip mark. This is going to scar. I'll show my kids and say, "In my day we did the PCP, whipped ourselves, and liked it"!

This mark is more of a mystery. I don't know if this is jump rope related, resistance band related, or both. The mark appears on both of my hands in the exact same spot. After the work out it's blood red but a few hours later turns a soft brown.

The workout tonight was intense. 6 sets, 5 sets, more reps upon reps. I was really pushing myself today and literally dripping with sweat the entire workout. When I got to the planks, I started to break down. 1st 90 second plank. No problem. 2nd 90 second plank. OK, that was tough. 3rd 90 second plank. FAIL. I could only muster about 30 seconds before collapse. The 4th set was more of the same. Came home, mmmmmm, raw red pepper. I love you, pepper. I love you glass of milk. 25 days left. WOW. Strange feeling.


  1. Wow, I can't imagine how fast you must be jumping to get those sort of whips! Ouch!

  2. The last one of your hand is from the resistance band handles. I get them too. If you want it to go away cover the handles in sports tape. Maybe slow the rope down a bit? Those are some serious lashes man.

    But you're not truly beat up until you've taken a resistance band coming off it's anchor and rubberbanding into you at the speed of sound.

  3. Manly workout scars...what have we become as a race when the best we can do is hurt ourselves with exercise equipment? Used to be we'd get beaten and bruised hunting our food (or having it hunt us!)

  4. what a great post

    those are really weakness leaving the body

    Wow you must jump rope fast
