Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 82 - The birdseed incident

A few days ago I took a leisurely drive over to the Audubon center to purchase a feeder and birdseed in order to liven up our patio. Said feeder and 25 pound bag of birdseed were purchased and the clerk informed me the bag of seed was waiting outside. Open up the doors and down the ramp, there it was. My birdseed. I picked it up and threw it over my shoulder. Whoa!!! This is 25 pounds. This used to be on me, I thought. By this time I had dropped about 30 pounds and in a split second I had again felt the burden of the weight on my body. The spring in my step and renewed energy I feel doesn't just have to do with endorphins. A heavy weight has literally been lifted from my shoulders and that feeling is amazing. Am I willing to put this weight back on to carry around? Am I willing to once again bear this burden? We have a saying in New Jersey, FUGGEDABOUTIT!!!!! Heck no, peoples!!!

I'm happy to report I wrapped up an intense week in the gym. Ready for the final push to the top. I'm expecting pain.

I'm also happy to report that in about 17 hours I will be indulging in a couple beers!!! Ahhh.


  1. You do look great and that was quite an insightful moment.

    Sometimes when I am whining about this being hard I have a realization. This is the easier softer way. Being fit and looking great is much much easier,

    Go Team Go!

  2. You dropped an entire bag of birdseed in fat -- now THAT is a visual! Awesome job.
