Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 61 - Under the trees

Nice weather brings a bounty of opportunity and as the East Coast emerges from a bitter winter the weekend calendar start to fill up with opportunities to get outside. Saturday starts with a 8 mile hike through a nature preserve with a few friends. Getting out in the fresh air, walking under trees, footsteps on the trail, listening to the birds sing, exploring, packing a lunch, well, just writing about it puts a pleasant smile on my face. Sunday is a family brunch which will bring the opportunity of seeing family that I have not seen since starting the PCP. Most notably, my parents, who I have not seen in 4 months on account of them being “snow birds”. Everyone knows I’ve been doing the PCP. I just don’t’ know how many people have actually looked at the blog. So, the reactions, if any, will be interesting regardless. This family brunch typically includes a mountain of bacon, sausage, taylor ham, doughnuts, pastry, & pancakes. It’s our early Mothers Day gathering and it’s a legitimate feast. In past years I would generally pig out but this year I’m happy to know I won’t be. I’ll have a cup of joe and spend time in the yard with my son playing catch and chasing the dog around. Oh, I’ll be sure to kiss my Mother too.

PCP thoughts…I’ve been sleeping like a log lately. It’s felt great. For the past 18 months I have not slept through the night. They tell you when you have a baby you never sleep the same again, well, they’re not kidding. But ever since day 50, I’ve been sleeping like one. I’m making it a point to enjoy it while I can because in 4 months that will go out the window again.

Hope you’re all well and I’ll see you again on Sunday night. Kill it in the gym, peoples! 30 days left!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 59 - Shout Out

I have to give a shout out to my wife and say, "Happy Anniversary!". 4 years of marriage and matrimonial bliss! I also have to thank her for all her support and patience living with a man in the midst of the PCP. We've had a few food wars over the past 60+ days. She being 5 months pregnant and I eating a fair amount of grub myself, there has been extra attention on the chow supply in our kitchen and staying within budget. All of it though leading to more strength and love.

I'm hitting the hay. Hope you all had a wonderful day.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 58 - Breaking 20

Officially past the 20 pound marker! 23 pounds gone and feeling wiped after today's workout. Patrick has this e-mail update thing down because there are days where he hits my nail right on the head. I was slacking a bit on the time between reps. Taking an extra 10 seconds here and there to catch my breath. But today Patrick said, "YO! STOP THAT! 20 seconds means 20 seconds." So, I held true and I left the gym in a trance. No slacking! I completed the workout in 1 hour and 8 minutes. The 8 minutes was the 8MA. I'm feeling it, kids. Week 9 pics are up.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 57 - Monday thoughts

Seeing Ren's six-pack today was certainly a milestone for our PCP class. My comment was that it was "inspiring and sobering". Inspiring that I too can achieve those results and sobering with the realization of my journey still to achieve those results. But instead of feeling sorry, I turned up the gas today in the gym and pushed myself to give 110%. I also strapped the iPod back on after reading Patrick's e-mail. Pre-PCP I was a regular iPod listener in the gym but when I started the PCP I stopped listening to music during the workout in order to concentrate on the routine. Sometimes I feel the iPod can be a distraction while working out but today it wasn't and I'm going to go with it for a bit. I'll put some TOOL back on the pod and get pumping, man! In the song Parabola, Maynard sings, "Embrace this moment. Remember; we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion". Certainly a mantra for working through the burn. "What one man can do another can do!" also works. The results we are all achieving is inspiring, so lets keep at it gang, lets push the heights. Raise the roof and reach for amazement in our own ability.

PCP.S - If you haven't already, I highly recommend this weeks Zencast. Gil drops some serious science. The ideas are beautiful and inspiring.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 56 - Indulgence: Part 2

I indulged on Friday night. After a long week of work and busting my hump in the gym. I took comfort in the fact that I'd be having a beer on Friday night. I carefully weighed my choices and selected a beer from North Coast Brewery in the foggy town of Fort Bragg, CA. The beer in question was Old Rasputin 12th anniversary Russian imperial stout. I waited until wife and child were in bed so I could sit peacefully and cherish every sip in the late night stillness. The stout is aged in bourbon barrels causing the first few sips to be rather bold. But after holding the glass for a few minutes and allowing the brew to breath, the beer is quite complex and rewarding with strong chocolate and coffee notes.
The stout is also quite strong being 11% alcohol, after finishing the bottle, I had a slight buzz, and since the time had now reached somewhere past 11:30, I was quite sleepy and fell asleep on the couch! Old Rasputin knocked me out but while I was awake, I enjoyed every sip.
That night I had a bizarre dream that some would probably call a nightmare. I awoke wondering if the alcohol had anything to do with that. I also had a slight headache but that was nothing my morning cup of joe and an egg sandwich couldn't cure. My workout was also slightly tougher on Saturday. I wondered if that had to do with the beer or the fact that I had just spent the last 4 hours wondering around the Rutgers Folk Festival pushing a carriage under the sun. I'm chalking it up to a little bit of both.
At the moment I'm awaiting the new diets for the week and workout plans. Let's make it another back breaking week in the gym, kids.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 53 - PCP faux pas

About an hour before my workout today I reviewed what I'd be doing in the gym. Looking over the sheet I realized that I did "Day 53" on "Day 52". How about that? I printed out the wrong sheet and I did not notice the day number. So, today I did "Day 52" on "Day 53". Oh well. I'm hoping the cosmic order of the PCP doesn't get thrown off whack like another volcano in Iceland erupting on part of my slip up. Synchronicity, you know? I'm doing chest dips on the wrong day and many miles away something crawls from the slime at the bottom of dark Scottish lake.
Besides that slip up. Another great workout in the gym. During my jump roping today I started doing the alternating skip out of nowhere. I was having a lot of fun going from one leg to the other. Then I'd go to one leg, then the other leg, then flat footed, then fast, then slow. I now love that we are timing the jumps. It's freed up my concentration and I can work on different jumping techniques. It certainly helps at this point in the PCP to which it up a bit.
I also picked out my second indulgence today. A beautiful beer from Northern California. Oh, Friday night. Could you come any quicker? I went with a couple friends at lunch today to pick it out and there I was standing in front of a wall of about a hundred different varieties of beer. No joke. The inside of my mouth started to tingle and my throat felt bone dry. I can't wait to taste you, my sweet.
Off to sit and then finish off the night with the night fruit snack. Hope you're all well out there in PCP land.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 52 - Tending the garden

Overall, a great PCP day. I was able to maintain a level of intensity today with the workout routine that would be wonderful to achieve everyday but it just doesn't work like that. I've been down in the Week 8 valley and I think I'm starting to see the sun again. It's nothing too bad but the thoughts of doubt do creep in during this time. Feelings of disappointment in my past condition and realizing how bad I let myself go and the complacency of that state. Realizing that these layers of fat around my midsection represent more than just fried food and beer.
Anyway, in January I made a list of goals for 2010. The categories are financial, creative, career, physical and spiritual. The physical was my participation in the PCP. The spiritual is what I must now get down to. I committed myself to starting a regular zazen practice and I've let myself down in this category. So, instead of another night of "I'll start tomorrow". The moment is now. All the books, lectures, and podcasts don't mean a thing unless you actually sit your butt down and breath. So, I'm off to tend the garden.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 51 - Hard work

The workout today was extremely tough but rewarding. It took me a good hour and 20 minutes to get through everything and I was exhausted at the end of it. Last night, I slept like a log and I'm suspecting tonight will be no different. Thoughts during my workout tonight? "What one man can do another can do!!!". Every time I felt the stinging burning sensation, I maintained my breathing and yelled my mantra in my head and plowed forward. Week 8 pics are up. Godspeed, my peakers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 50 - Keep it going

After the workout tonight I stepped on the scale. 208. 208. Bringing the loss total to 18 pounds. I tried Patrick's ab flex trick when I arrived home and despite the ring of old fat (still grasping on for dear life) around my waste I can see definition in my upper abs.
I think I'm very tired right now. Dinner was a red pepper, celery, a carrot, and of course, an egg white. I think I'm very tired right now. I don't know if my mind is blank, or if it's the weird ambient music I'm listening to but I feel like a blank piece of paper. Ready for a crayon or a brush or some mud to come and make an impression on. Yes, an impression. A strange impression.

I'm going to eat my snack now.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 49 - Results & Mysteries

With the January class of Peakers just wrapping up and our class reaching beyond the half way point I'm experiencing feelings of excitement and a bit of anxiety. Excited to see the results of those who have just finished and anxious to achieve the results that they were able to accomplish. These next 40 days are crucial in achieving my fitness goals with in the PCP.
My first timed jump today went better then I had initially expected. I never minded counting my jumps and I didn't know if I'd just start counting my jumps while I was timing them. Instead I found I wasn't thinking of a number, just glancing at the iPod stopwatch on the ground, and I was enjoying not counting my jumps. Can't help but wonder how many I did though. One of those mysteries! The mysteries of the PCP! Generally, the only mystery in the PCP is why we didn't do it sooner.
Here is to a strong week ahead. It's going to be intense from the looks of the new workout routines. Good luck, gang!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 47 - Crazy Milestone

I started jumping today and it was going fairly well. I hit 500 and thought, well, nice rhythm we got going here. I hit 800 and thought, wow, I've broke my own record! I hit 1000 and wondered, gee, can I do all 1500. I hit 1300 and yelled to myself, don't F this up! 1500!!! 1500 in a row. I never thought I'd be able to break 738. In fact, since that day I can't recall doing more than 400 in a row. Insane! The rest of the workout went great except for the kung fu sit ups. Those are going to take a while as I'm just swinging on a vine and don't have much control over my legs. No worries. I'll get there. Wishing all my fellow Peakers a wonderful weekend. I hope you all get into something good! I'm about to chomp on some pineapple. Peace, my peoples!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 46 - PCP on the brain

When entrenched in PCP world everything seems to reflect the project. Today on, I came across the graphic above. The article was a series of tips on how to improve your fitness ahead of a long hike. I immediately thought, "Hey, that's in the PCP!" And since one of the reasons for my participation in the project is my love of the great outdoors and desire to always be immersed in its glory. Twas all the more fitting and put a smile across my face.
Today's workout was rough. Another one of my "morning workouts" but instead of feeling energized for the rest of the day I felt rather spent. The skin on my face was tingling and I felt it was hard to concentrate on any one thing at a time. I managed to get through a fairly busy day without incident and without my pants falling down. I must put a hole in this belt or buy a new one.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 45 - Half Way Up

My journey up Mount PCP has reached the half way point. 45 days in and 45 days to go. Looking back, here are a few observations and thoughts.
  1. The first few weeks are the hardest. The challenges present themselves early in the PCP. You are saying “No” all the time to food and old habits. Answering questions about what you’re doing and trying to stay mindful in deflecting cynicism from outside influences and self doubt.
  1. Patterns and rhythm. Patterns and rhythm. Eating healthy every day, exercising every day, being mindful every day, becomes a pattern. It becomes a rhythm. Accepting this rhythm is key to success in the PCP. These practices, while pre-PCP might seem like a chore, become just part of your life. Like one foot in front of the other.
  1. Mind games. On the eve of the PCP, Patrick told me the hardest part would be the tricks the mind plays. This bit of advice is very true. When it’s 10pm and you’re standing in front of an open refrigerator, the tricks become apparent. Just one more piece of bread, just one more shrimp, just an extra slice of an apple. In the gym, you can skip this set, take it easy, you’re working too hard, this is crazy. The voice is loud and clear. Acknowledging the feelings of doubt and moving forward anyway is key.
  1. Blog as often as you can. The social media aspect of the PCP is crucial. Interacting with your fellow Peaker’s is an invaluable support system.
  1. The PCP is fun! I've been having a great time doing this. Self confidence, empowerment, and a general sense of well being emanates from my body.
Half way up the mountain and the views are incredible!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 44 - And in this corner...

Born under a bad sign, raised in the sub-urban jungles of Northern New Jersey, the man with the plan, the prince of the PCP, weighing in at 212 pounds........OK, OK, I'll stop.....212 pounds. Wow. I've lost 14 pounds. New pics are up.

Does anyone miss that meal called dinner yet? It's funny how you get used to just eating vegetables and fruit for dinner and feel satisfied in the process and full afterwards.

Half way through the PCP tomorrow. Thoughts on the journey so far coming soon. PCPeace.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 43 - Giving your all

In life and in the PCP, it's vital to give your all. Everyday. No matter what your doing. Give 100%. It's very hard to do this. It takes massive amounts of concentration, will, and determination. But, at the end of the day, that is when we feel whole. Knowing we've given everything we could. Taking your destiny in your hands. Taking responsibility for your choices, your feelings, your goals, and your future. That's the beans, baby. Serve them up.
So, when it comes time for the gym. It's on a night like this that I can type with certainty that today, I gave my 100%. And sometimes it's hard to know when 99.9% was good enough. After 1500 jumps, 60 floor jumps, and 80 lunges, I was literally shaking the rest of the workout. The shaking in my thighs was effecting my push-ups, my standing ovations, and forget about the planks. I could only manage about 30 seconds each before I collapsed. I have to add that I really love doing chest dips. It's an exercises I've never done before, well, I tried to do them but with little success. Now, doing 4 sets of 8 reps, it makes me feel incredibly empowered. 43 days ago, I couldn't do 1. Now, if only I could get those pistol squats down.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 42 - Almost cheating.....

The weekend was breezy, sunny, and beautiful. Venturing outdoors was a must. The family and I took a leisurely nature walk in the early afternoon and enjoyed the sun and all the birds singing in the surrounding trees. But wow, was I thirsty afterwards. My wife suggested we head downtown and I agreed. I yearned for something smooth, cold, and refreshing to quench my thirst and please my tongue. We then remembered that The Bent Spoon had finally opened after the long winter break. The Bent Spoon is an artisan ice cream parlor and bakery that specializes in organic ice cream. Using only the freshest ingredients and whole fruits to make their often unusual and delicious flavors. Anyway, they have something there they call "the banana whip". What is the banana whip you ask? Well, they take a few frozen organic bananas put them through some kind of food compression machine, and right before your very eyes, comes something you would swear was ice cream. You would swear it! Only, it's not. It's just banana and it is a thing of absolute beauty. Especially when your PCP'n! 100% banana baby! We sat on the greenest of grasses across the street and boy did that banana whip hit the spot. So, good I felt like I was almost cheating.
I'm committed this week to hitting the gym hard. We are approaching the half way point and now, more than ever, every day counts. Every gram counts. Let's do this my peoples. Go Team Go!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 40 - Friday night beer

Friday nights are tough. The mindset is such. You've worked all week. You've stared at the carrot. You've toiled. Worked hard. Put the shift in. The weather is nice and you've just left the gym. What time is it? Beer time. Only, there is no beer. Only two egg whites and a hardy serving of arugula. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining but it's tough.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 39 - A funny thing happened....

A funny thing happened while I was in the middle of the PCP workout routine tonight. I actually had this thought. "I can't wait to get to the ab exercises". I actually thought that. Never before in the 32 years I have walked this Earth have I ever even remotely considered even thinking that thought. V-Sit Ups, Side crunches, and 8 minute abs. I couldn't wait to start them. PCP makes you loco!!! Ren commented on one of his blogs that he could feel the six pack working it's way to the surface. I'm also experiencing that sensation while working my abs now. I can feel them contracting, burning, expanding. tightening and flexing. All sensations I've never felt before. New worlds! New nerves! New goals! PCPeace!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 38 - 8's

I was finally able to work 8 minute abs into my routine tonight. It went rather well and it's going to be an excellent end on the workouts from here on in. I had an epic fail tonight concerning my dinner. I'm trying to mix up the recipes for the egg whites so I'm experimenting. I put to much garlic and raw onion in my PCP guacamole, ohhhh boy, you can probably imagine what my breath smells like at the moment. Right now, I'm thinking about steak and shrimp and sushi and eel and hansoba and salmon and duck and all their other friends for whom I would love to sink my chompers into right now. But instead, I'll post this weeks pics and feast on some grapes and a sip on some low-fat milk. *PCP is where you wanna be cause you gonna be so in shape in 90 days.*

*Sing accompanied by 80's synth line.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 37 - Inspirations

Today's "morning" workout was splendid. I have to make it a point to do more of these "morning" workouts. My energy is in the stratosphere and the gym is dark and quiet. A very different atmosphere from my normal night session. Ren posted a URL on my previous blog that had something to do with Bruce Lee. I can't be sure what it is because I don't read Japanese but I followed a few links and found the picture above. That is one of Bruce Lee's shirts and quite possibly the best shirt ever produced on the face of the Earth. That thing is priceless and it's quite inspiring for me to gaze upon. Thanks for the link, Ren. My second inspiration today comes from the world of sport. Lionel Messi scored 4 against Arsenal today in Champions League. It left me breathless. Off to Philly tonight to see BRMC. Traditionally I would have a few beers at tonight’s show but instead of fretting I’m looking forward to being completely lucid for the performance. And hey, there certainly isn't any argument about who's the designated driver tonight! I'll post updated pics tomorrow. I've lost 10 pounds as of yesterday and I’m feeling wonderful.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 36 - Enter the Egg White

The term "PCP proper" gets thrown around a lot in the project. There is Day 1 "proper" and then there is Day 36 "proper". Today, I entered the egg white. 4 a day. 2 for dinner, which I did not find out until I was about to cook up some shrimp. I finally looked down the sheet and there it was, under protein, 2 egg whites. Ah, now I am experiencing PCP proper. The shrimp will have to wait until lunch tomorrow where I plan on chewing each one very slowly. Savoring the delicate flavor with each bite. Lunch. The holy grail of protein ingestion that is not egg whites. The new exercises added that extra element to the routine that keeps you on your toes. Keeps you thinking. Keeps you working the different muscle groups throughout your body. The pistol squats made me laugh because I was doing them rather poorly. Patrick warned that they were hard. He was right. It's going to take me a few weeks to adapt to form required to execute a proper pistol squat. Tomorrow morning will bring a proper morning workout. Morning being 10 in the AM. Still not 6, but, hey. Off to Philadelphia tomorrow night to see a show. A proper show. Sweet dreams, my lovelies. I'm off to eat some pineapple and 200 ml of low fat milk. Ah, paradise.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 35 - Easter Sunday

A gorgous Easter sunday. Perfect for dawning a breezy white shirt and heading down to the farm to spend time with family, feed corn to the animals, and drink a cup of fresh apple cider. Jumping rope in the afternoon sun was a perfect appetizer to the Easter dinner I later cooked sipping some home brew ice coffee. Roasted sun chokes, tomato, potato, onion, arugula and some wild caught Alaskan salmon. Today's R&R and put me on firm ground, ready to take on this weeks new exercises and diet, along with any new challenges that are sure to pop up. Let's do it!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 33 - Pain & regret

I woke up today feeling about one thousand times better, add to that a warm and sunny day, the sum, just a general good vibe emanating from my being all day. I couldn't wait to get in the gym and kill it. I knocked out the routine in 45 minutes and felt great. I even managed to stretch afterwards! Holy Cow!
The quote of the day for me is, "Pain is weighed in grams. Regret is weighed in tons." I read that early in the day and I mediated on the statement. Reflecting on how it relates to my life, the lives of my loved ones, and the general state of society in this country. The weekend is brining much needed sunshine and family time and a new goal. Adding the eight minute abs routine to my workout. I'm expecting pain and certainly no regrets on day 91. PCPeace!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 32 - The grump

The grump. That's my wife's pet name for me when I wake up in a certain mood. This morning I awoke in one of those moods. Tired, sore, cloudy, stuffy, hungry, and just plain old leave me alone. Alas, when you have 18 month old child, all of the adjectives I listed above, don't mean a thing. You have to go on.
I did give thought to not doing the workout today. I pulled up Patrick's e-mail about not pushing yourself when your body gives you signs to slow down. So, I figured I'd play it by ear and at least I'd do my 1350 jumps. Thankfully, after a long day I felt I was in good enough shape to perform the routine and so, I did just that. The workout took me a solid hour due to my general condition but I slogged through and I don't feel worse for it. Tonight, I need sleep. As much sleep as possible. Wish me luck, I'm turning in.