Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 59 - Shout Out

I have to give a shout out to my wife and say, "Happy Anniversary!". 4 years of marriage and matrimonial bliss! I also have to thank her for all her support and patience living with a man in the midst of the PCP. We've had a few food wars over the past 60+ days. She being 5 months pregnant and I eating a fair amount of grub myself, there has been extra attention on the chow supply in our kitchen and staying within budget. All of it though leading to more strength and love.

I'm hitting the hay. Hope you all had a wonderful day.


  1. Awesome photo! When was it taken?

  2. Pat, that photo is roughly 3 years ago. Also notable as the last time I had hair.

  3. Aw, how sweet! Happy Anniversary!

  4. That is great news.

    I love being married. the last frontier. That is cool that you are doing PCP when your wife is pregnant. I ran a marathon when Meghan was first pregnant with Paul - now 15.

    That is a great picture - the love and adoration is strong.
