Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 39 - A funny thing happened....

A funny thing happened while I was in the middle of the PCP workout routine tonight. I actually had this thought. "I can't wait to get to the ab exercises". I actually thought that. Never before in the 32 years I have walked this Earth have I ever even remotely considered even thinking that thought. V-Sit Ups, Side crunches, and 8 minute abs. I couldn't wait to start them. PCP makes you loco!!! Ren commented on one of his blogs that he could feel the six pack working it's way to the surface. I'm also experiencing that sensation while working my abs now. I can feel them contracting, burning, expanding. tightening and flexing. All sensations I've never felt before. New worlds! New nerves! New goals! PCPeace!


  1. Yep, the abs are an incredibly unimportant, minor muscle group, but it's so fun to feel them right there doing their thing!

  2. When I was reading this I totally related. There are things that now I get a peaceful benefit from that I used to dread. The Core workout is one of them, When I get there I know that I am almost finished and that I have put one more stake in the ground for Watson 4.8. each day, each met commitment feels like a brick in a new foundation. It is a new world, and more importantly a gateway or threshold for a better future.
