Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 42 - Almost cheating.....

The weekend was breezy, sunny, and beautiful. Venturing outdoors was a must. The family and I took a leisurely nature walk in the early afternoon and enjoyed the sun and all the birds singing in the surrounding trees. But wow, was I thirsty afterwards. My wife suggested we head downtown and I agreed. I yearned for something smooth, cold, and refreshing to quench my thirst and please my tongue. We then remembered that The Bent Spoon had finally opened after the long winter break. The Bent Spoon is an artisan ice cream parlor and bakery that specializes in organic ice cream. Using only the freshest ingredients and whole fruits to make their often unusual and delicious flavors. Anyway, they have something there they call "the banana whip". What is the banana whip you ask? Well, they take a few frozen organic bananas put them through some kind of food compression machine, and right before your very eyes, comes something you would swear was ice cream. You would swear it! Only, it's not. It's just banana and it is a thing of absolute beauty. Especially when your PCP'n! 100% banana baby! We sat on the greenest of grasses across the street and boy did that banana whip hit the spot. So, good I felt like I was almost cheating.
I'm committed this week to hitting the gym hard. We are approaching the half way point and now, more than ever, every day counts. Every gram counts. Let's do this my peoples. Go Team Go!


  1. Wow, that's neat. I wonder why you can't get those everywhere?

  2. That machine sounds awesome, i wonder if there is a good/easy way to do it manually...

  3. Next time I'm there I'll ask what exactly the magic machine is.

  4. What a great moment - family - spring - a treat that is totally with the program.

    You look like a new man in the picture - Awesome.

    Be careful investigating magic, I'm just saying

    Go Team Go!

  5. Oh my goodness, that sounds delicious!

  6. Us mere mortals have to settle for simply eating bananas...
