Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 50 - Keep it going

After the workout tonight I stepped on the scale. 208. 208. Bringing the loss total to 18 pounds. I tried Patrick's ab flex trick when I arrived home and despite the ring of old fat (still grasping on for dear life) around my waste I can see definition in my upper abs.
I think I'm very tired right now. Dinner was a red pepper, celery, a carrot, and of course, an egg white. I think I'm very tired right now. I don't know if my mind is blank, or if it's the weird ambient music I'm listening to but I feel like a blank piece of paper. Ready for a crayon or a brush or some mud to come and make an impression on. Yes, an impression. A strange impression.

I'm going to eat my snack now.


  1. Great job! Soon you'll be on television!!

  2. I am glad you are seeing the result. I am listening to ambient music as well (pandora - spa)

    going for snack as well

    Go team GO

  3. Congrats on the weight loss!
