Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 45 - Half Way Up

My journey up Mount PCP has reached the half way point. 45 days in and 45 days to go. Looking back, here are a few observations and thoughts.
  1. The first few weeks are the hardest. The challenges present themselves early in the PCP. You are saying “No” all the time to food and old habits. Answering questions about what you’re doing and trying to stay mindful in deflecting cynicism from outside influences and self doubt.
  1. Patterns and rhythm. Patterns and rhythm. Eating healthy every day, exercising every day, being mindful every day, becomes a pattern. It becomes a rhythm. Accepting this rhythm is key to success in the PCP. These practices, while pre-PCP might seem like a chore, become just part of your life. Like one foot in front of the other.
  1. Mind games. On the eve of the PCP, Patrick told me the hardest part would be the tricks the mind plays. This bit of advice is very true. When it’s 10pm and you’re standing in front of an open refrigerator, the tricks become apparent. Just one more piece of bread, just one more shrimp, just an extra slice of an apple. In the gym, you can skip this set, take it easy, you’re working too hard, this is crazy. The voice is loud and clear. Acknowledging the feelings of doubt and moving forward anyway is key.
  1. Blog as often as you can. The social media aspect of the PCP is crucial. Interacting with your fellow Peaker’s is an invaluable support system.
  1. The PCP is fun! I've been having a great time doing this. Self confidence, empowerment, and a general sense of well being emanates from my body.
Half way up the mountain and the views are incredible!

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