Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 32 - The grump

The grump. That's my wife's pet name for me when I wake up in a certain mood. This morning I awoke in one of those moods. Tired, sore, cloudy, stuffy, hungry, and just plain old leave me alone. Alas, when you have 18 month old child, all of the adjectives I listed above, don't mean a thing. You have to go on.
I did give thought to not doing the workout today. I pulled up Patrick's e-mail about not pushing yourself when your body gives you signs to slow down. So, I figured I'd play it by ear and at least I'd do my 1350 jumps. Thankfully, after a long day I felt I was in good enough shape to perform the routine and so, I did just that. The workout took me a solid hour due to my general condition but I slogged through and I don't feel worse for it. Tonight, I need sleep. As much sleep as possible. Wish me luck, I'm turning in.


  1. Good. Not giving up on days like this will make all the difference.

  2. Double good

    I think I discover more when I persevere. It is a character thing. In fact Fortitude is one of the four cardinal virtues. And that is what you just described. Look it up - powerful stuff!

    Go Team Go !

  3. Grumpy in the morning is ok -- blood sugar low because you haven't eaten since dinner, etc. Just gotta be real about it. Looks like you did just that and are all the better for it. Well done!
