Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 31 - The peaks and valleys of the PCP

The peaks and valleys of the PCP. We hear about them in the blogs of the peakers who go before us. We may or may not realize that we too will be travelling the same ground. In my last blog I mentioned how spring was here and for some of us with spring come the allergies. With the pollen count today very high I was hit this morning with a cloudy head and a runny nose. Which very well might be a tiny cold. I felt I was dragging for a good part of the day. During the workout tonight a gym buddy helped me do 10 pull ups and after 1300 jumps, the cloudiness had lifted and the runny nose gone. I worked it pretty hard today. Pushing myself to do 40 second planks and keeping one eye on the clock to make sure I was keeping with the rest portions.
After the workout, now this is one of my favorite parts of the PCP, I get in the locker room, remove my shirt and it's just amazing to see all your muscles pumped and bulging. It's a great feeling to know that's actually you in the mirror. I get home to make my tilapia and asparagus as I was ravenous and again cloudy as the allergies and/or cold came back on. I started to tell my wife a story from a book I'm reading about a little girl and her father playing baseball and I just broke down and cried and I mean, I was crying! My wife stood there with a look of amazement of her face as an innocent parable transformed into epic sobbing. I then started laughing and took a nice long shower. Which, needless to say, was just what a needed.

How about my fellow peakers? Any mood swings going on in your world?


  1. Can't have a Peak without a valley!

  2. Oh! Congratulations! That was your first creature emerging from dark caves of the valley. PCP is also a training in patience for spouses and close friends!

  3. HMMM-First - you are a good writer and blogger, that is a great thing.

    Second, I had a moment two days ago. I was writing a letter to a friend as part of my Lenten discipline. Sharing my care and love for this friend. Well, I know this is a little corny, but I got a little chocked up. I find I am more emotional in general. Food, perhaps, provided a layer of insulation from teh world. I think there is some greiving for me as I let go of that self and meet Watson 4.8. I know I have wanted to meet him for a long long time. Things are really happening - inside and out.

    Go Team Go!

  4. I have been pretty snarky lately in the mornings, at my 3-year old daughter when we are late getting out the door, but I think that is more due to the fact that the first thing I cut when time is short is my nightly zazen...haven't sat every night for a full week since PCP started. Not good; need to rebalance that as it is definitely throwing me off.
    But yesterday morning my wife commented on what a GOOD mood I was in!
    I find that if I stick to my new morning routine, I am in a much better mood before everyone wakes up and the mayhem starts:
    wake up
    start coffee machine
    open computer
    read daily email from Patrick
    eat breakfast
