Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 12 - Pennies from heaven

A rain soaked weekend ahead for those of us in the Northeast. And just as the weather changes so do the plans. The rain has cancelled St. Patrick Day parades, an afternoon running in the park, and a day hike, which now means my brother will stop over for a welcomed and long overdue visit. The rain will let me catch up on reading the book I'm working on finishing, the movie I haven't started yet, the song I need to mix, and the carpet I keep promising my wife I'll clean. So, let it rain!
Saturday will bring food shopping and I'm looking to expand my vegetable repertoire beyond the broccoli, asparagus, arugula, carrots, peppers, and celery I normally make week in and week out. Rainy weekends are great for throwing on some music and experimenting in the kitchen.
Here's to rainy weekends! I hope all's well on your side of the screen and make sure your umbrella is upside down!

1 comment:

  1. haha that picture of you and BaBa is hysterical. I can't believe he/ she just sat in the frame like that. So perfect. Reminds me of the infamous "Crasher Squirrel".
