Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 18 - Everything changes

Shunryu Suzuki was once asked to sum up everything he knew about Zen Buddhism in one sentence. He paused and answered, "Everything changes". And when we embrace the inevitable and expanding change in each of our lives we can start to see the world a bit differently in each minor and major event. Today, I moved my desk. I had been given warning about three months ago that I would have to move my things. I had been sitting in this seat for two years and I had a few "who moved my cheese" moments. But after reflecting, I embraced the move as a new opportunity. A welcomed change. New people, new light, new sounds, new surfaces, new windows, new shades, new "Good mornings", new "Good nights", new laughs, and new things to absorb. A whole new world.
Here in the PCP. We are feeling new changes everyday. Today in the gym I was so sore, in between reps I just started laughing and then I started whimpering. It was the only thing I could express. The only thing that made sense to do. My body is changing. New lines appear on my arms and there is actually some definition around my belly. New movements as muscles start to flex. Muscles I've never seen contract and expand before. New hands to shake as I'm in the gym every night and start to see new faces and they see a bearded guy on the floor grunting in pain and sweating like a hog. I reach out my arm and pant, "What's up, bro?". Yes, everything changes. Thank God for that.


  1. Yes, and knowing you've just got to ride the change is the art of being alive!

  2. I like the imiagry of ride the change - surfing life!

    Good for you for realizing the change was generating some resistance - acknowledging it - and moving forward.

    I like it when I can do that. I also relate to your detached perspective of physical change. I see and feel changes often, and so does my family. I was standing in a doorway today and just felt different...better...destination right size!

    Go Man Go
