Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 20 - Nice day!

The weather was gorgeous and I spent the better part of the morning with my son walking downtown. We stopped into my favorite cafe, listened to the organist rehearse at the chapel, and closely watched the behavior of squirrels. My son thinks their mice. He points and yells "MOUSE". He then slept for the better part of the afternoon and I got to catch up on reading and washed the pile dishes in the sink. All with the windows open!
The workout today went really well. Jumping outside made the jumps go quickly. Before I knew it I had done 700 with only 200 left to go. What I love about the PCP workout is that you don't need a gym. A door and some space is all you need to work up a really quality sweat. So, that's what I did! I'm feeling a lot less sore today. My left pectoral muscle was sore this past week but today, even after the push ups, it doesn't so much feel sore, but just kind of there. Growing! Argh!
My wife observed me flexing and commented, "Wow, you actually have muscles now!". I informed her that I always had muscles and I didn't hear a response. We're looking forward to another 72 degree day tomorrow and planing a PCP picnic in the park. Loads of vegetable in the fridge and can't wait to get some sleep.
Cheers Ya'll!


  1. I had the same great day and weather
    What fun with your son, I love walking and feel it is a treat when I stumble into a church where the organist, or any instrument is practicing.

    My wife had noticed that I am not the same either. Nice

  2. You guys are LIVING THE DREAM!
