Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 27 - Indulgence & 738

My indulgence was perfectly timed as it coincided with a BBQ/hang out session with a couple of good friends. The indulgence was never a mystery. Twas only ever going to be a cold beer. But which one and how many? I studied my options and counted my calories by staying true to the 400 calorie limit Patrick imposed on us Peakers. And since I stood around for a few hours on St. Patrick's Day watching hundreds of people drink "the black stuff", it didn't take much research to pick a winner. Guinness.
Two Guinness Extra Stouts and 1 ounce of Makers Mark bourbon came in at a respectable 422 calories. I started off with the 1 once of Maker's while we were all prepping the food and gabbing about a number of topics. After all the food was cooked and ready to devour, we gathered around the table and enjoyed a fine meal.
It was after the meal that I cracked open my 1st Guinness. Pouring the black gold into a pint glass was a beautiful thing to watch. Only made all the more so by the fact that I was about to raise the glass to my awaiting lips and eager tongue. She did not disappoint. I nursed the two stouts for the next two hours and managed to work up a small but giggly buzz bolstered by a fine array of silly and humorous conversation.
I'd like to thank Joe and Spence for their support and mindfulness of my life on the PCP. When it came time to BBQ the communal slab of Delmonico steak we'd all be sharing, a small slice was BBQ'd separately without salt, and without complaint. A wonderful gesture. There was not a dry eye in the house. Nor a drop spared in that pint glass.

Today, Day 27, was a great day by PCP standards. I started my jumps in the sun and in the zone as I knocked out 738 in a row! The Guinness clearly helped! My dinner tonight was solid. I made my famous meatballs today and they were a welcomed addition to the meal. Aruglia, cauliflower, pasta, carrots, and those wonderful meatballs.

P.S. I did not have any of the Newman's marinara sauce in the background. 510mg of sodium! Only 21% of your daily recommended allowance! 5 servings in the jar.

Salt free is where we gonna be!


  1. Brian + Indulgence beer = happy man indeed!

  2. 738!!!! That is amazing! I don't think I can beat that anytime soon:)

  3. Good thing you went with the stout, if you'd had something fizzy and bubbly you'd have been out for the count with stomach pain.

    Great indulgence! Makes me thirsty!

  4. Can't go wrong with the Guinness! And those meatballs definitely look awesome!
