Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 14 - Sashimi in the dark

My brother was 45 minutes late for lunch due to all the flooding in area from yesterday's Nor'Easter. When he finally knocked on the door, I was starving, so we exchanged pleasantries, he gave my wife a kiss on the cheek, I grabbed my son and we were off to Sushi Palace right down the road.
We walked through the doors to discover a room full of people eating in the shadows. There was no power in the area but the owners just kept on serving the eager lunch crowd. So, we joined in. I placed my food scale on the table and weighed my portions. My vegetable was seaweed, my carbs a bowl of rice, and for protein, a beautiful array of sashimi. No soy sauce. Which I must admit to missing. My brother is also on a exercise regiment so we sat and spoke about health, wellness, and our future fitness goals. My son, in his high chair, played with chopsticks and laughed at the Koi fish. "ISH!!" he'd scream.
We walked out an hour later and we both realize what a relaxing lunch we just had. The restaurant was very dark, only lite by the sparse sun peeking through the shades and the candles placed on the tables. The only sound was the tables of people whispering. Everyone was so quiet because it was so dark. A hushed dining experience free of neon light and muzak pumped through cheap ceiling speakers beamed by a satellite somewhere orbiting the earth. Ahhhhhh. Sashimi in the dark.

P.S. Trout for dinner. Amazing. And I found a great PCP candy bar! Take one long carrot and place it inside one long piece of celery. Heaven.


  1. A little soy sauce won't kill you man!

  2. LOL! I'll keep that in mind, Pat. Thanks.

  3. Too Funny

    Carrot and celery as a candy bar

    I admire that you took your scale to the restaurant - you are my hero today.


  4. Hmmm, maybe your candy bar invention can stave off the cravings for the real thing!
