Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 30 - Around any corner

I found a new love today. Baked artichokes. I had never had one before, baked that is. Usually the artichoke is hidden in something called “dip”. Which, one must admit, is rather delicious. However, I never eat artichoke dip because it is rarely presented at cocktail parties, beach shin digs, nor the bingo hall. This morning, I sipped my morning Joe, and baked a dozen or so artichokes. I then scraped away the leaves, held the precious still beating heart in my hands, and chomped down. A new love indeed. The smell recalled tomatoes, the taste recalled, hmmmm….artichoke minus dip. Splendid!
The PCP offers many new opportunities to test boundaries and explore the world inside and out. That’s the wonderful thing. The discovery right around the corner of a new burning sensation in the arms, a new taste on the tongue, a new sight in the mirror. Oh, and just in time for spring. A wonderful time for renewal and discovery.

PCP confession booth: I could not do my V sit up's today. After the 4 sets of leg ups I was a quivering mess and I literally could not lift my legs anymore. So, I did three sets of regular sit ups and one set of planks.

Week 5 pics up.


  1. Can see the outline of your abdominus rectus. Nice!

  2. 1) Artichokes are awesome. Wish they were in season here in Japan.
    2) CHECK YOU OUT! Definite progress man, keep it up!

  3. Ahh, i forgot about the heart

  4. Great for getting the picture up

    Way to GO

    I am going to get some artichoke hearts - soudns great

    Confession is good for the soul. I found on the V sits that if I went up only as far as Patricks Picture showed I had more control and potential to do them

    Go Team Go!
