Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 8 - The faces of the PCP

Day 8 is when "PCP proper" kicks in. PCP'rs open their "Day 8" e-mail from Patrick, glance at their daily allotted portion size, and then make a series of faces displaying surprise, outrage, disgust and just general WTF?!?
The portions are large. More then we have been eating before starting the PCP and certainly a lot more then the first week in which we eat half of what we normally do. WHY? Why is this? Because the PCP is not only about losing fat but gaining muscle and that muscle needs energy to grow and that form of energy is food. Glorious food.

What did I eat today? More carrots than any man on Earth. I can guarantee you that. I felt odd after eating such a large breakfast. I couldn't imagine eating for the rest of the day, but then lunch came and I ate and ate. And let me tell you folks something out there in TV Land, after the workout, I was starving. Argghhh! Give me that protein and those carbs and those veggies. Let me feed these dogs!!!

Overall, a pretty good first day of PCP proper with a few minor exceptions which will be corrected tomorrow after I stopped off at the market tonight. My one exercise hiccup had to do with the incline pull ups. My plan to pull these off was thwarted when the two benches I was using were not high enough off the ground. I had to basically skip these and will have to borrow a few chair from the cafeteria to complete them properly.

Patrick closed his e-mail today with something I need to keep in mind everyday in the gym and while doing the exercises. "Work hard", he said. Work hard. I must keep this in mind. I cannot cheat in the gym and I must give 100% in order to get 110% out of this project.
It reminded me of something J.D. said to me once. He's good and incredibly in shape friend of mine. "Brian," he said placing his hand on my shoulder, "when you cheat in the gym. The only person you cheat is yourself". Work hard. WORK HARD.


  1. Well, at least you're eating with gusto! Keep at it!

  2. Great motivation! I'll keep this in mind during my next workout!

  3. JD's reaction...

    "Why are you bugging me with crap like this nann.

    Post my comments…I can’t do it. I don’t belong to any of those stupid sites…

    thanks for the props Nann the Mann. I had no idea people actually listen to what I say. From the looks of your 'progress shots', the only thing you're cheating is food. keep up the hard work buddy. Remember, being in shape is a way of life..."

