Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 13 - Like a hurricane

Saturday morning we make our usual trip to Whole Foods to buy the weeks groceries. This is where we usually have breakfast also. So, today was a tad bit hard to watch my wife chomp on her breakfast burrito, my son nimble on blueberry scone, and me? Well, my medium coffee, which went well with the torrential rain just outside the window.
As we approached the fruit and vegetable section of the store my heart began to pump. I was actually getting excited as I felt I was now entering a new world for the first time. I loaded up on the usual items and gathered a few things I don't normally buy. Sunchokes, Swiss chard, fresh spinach, white asparagus, and green onions. Then is was off to the fish section where my fish guy, who is Zoe Hart's brother, recommended the rock shrimp, fresh trout, and another helping of catfish. My heart was pumping. Then it was off to the meats where I grabbed some buffalo and chicken. I stocked up on long grain brown rice and had the bakery slice me up some freshly baked whole wheat bread. Oh, man! I gotta real rush looking at the cart. I wasn't sure if it was the coffee or the whole goodness inside but I didn't matter. Happiness abounded.
I strolled through the middle aisles looking at all the packaged "organic" foods and checked out the sodium content. I felt new. I didn't want a single processed thing. Free samples lined the back of the store and every demonstrator asked, "Would you like to try some?". "No", I said, "But my wife would love to!". And that is my new tag line! She did find some new yogurt she's happy about!
After we unpacked and the wife, son, and cats were all napping, I knew this was my PCP workout time. Look out the window. Hmmm. Still pouring. "Maybe I can jump in the living room". Once around and nope. Ceiling to low. "Maybe If I step outside in the hallway". Nope, low again. And there I was, outside, under the awning, facing my only option. To jump in the hurricane force winds. I literally threw caution to the wind, stepped into the storm, and starting jumping. I was soaked by 50. My fingers freezing, the wind pelting my face, forcing a faster rhythm in order to maintain control of the rope. 200....300...almost done....I can't believe I'm doing this....PCP!!!!....500.....600.....OMG! Is this tree going to fall on me?.....700!!! Yes.
As I was walking back in my neighbor stuck his head out of the door. "Are you crazy?", he rightly asked. "Yes!", was the only sane reply. "What are you doing?". "Getting in shape!", I said.


  1. Awesome post man. Just remember this feeling round about Day 50 when PCP is old hat!

  2. Ah, Whole Foods...if only I had one of those in Tokyo...

  3. I love the make it happen attitude. What you described is what I call a KING LEAR moment. Awesome. I was running one summer and had a big goal. I had to run one day and it was raining. I went any got worse...I kept got really bad, tree branches, lightening...I kept running. When I finished and went home people thought I was crazy, esp my family, It was at that point that I knew I would make it. I did. We will.
