Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 21 - Maintaining focus

As the days roll by and we reach deeper into the PCP. Maintaining focus is key to achieving the goals we set forth to accomplish. As with any long slog, the terrain will grow rocky, the weather fowl, and the voices inside our heads will tell us we can't go on. Patrick's e-mail today issued the caveat that "next week things get serious". We face a major test but for now, the week ahead will do. One day at a time.
I finally stepped back on the scale today to discover I've lost 5 pounds. The need for a new notch in my belt is imminent as I must hold my pants up when I walk. My sexy jeans are now rather loose! I felt rather calm today as I soaked up the sun in the park. The 1000 jumps of the rope went fairly quickly and I marveled at the fact that 1000 is now doable. As I type this, I'm hungry. Ready for my after dinner snack. So, you must excuse me as I consult my food scale. Peace!


  1. Get used to the loose pants, and don't buy any new ones till you finish!

  2. You are the MAn!

    I think we are @ 25%

    Go Team Go!
